Thursday, December 31, 2009
2009, I won't forget you!!
The year with tears & laughter, with sweet & bitter and with you and me together!!!
I want to dedicate this post to peoples that had inspired me in 2009!
There's 12 of you I wanna thanks.
Each one for each month of 2009.
~The one that I had always admire & will be my role model for the rest of my life.
~The one that taught me what is LOVE.
~The one that had accompany me at the darkest moment.
~The one that totally turned me crazy.
~The one that I feel most linked to from deep in my soul.
~The one that made me proud to be a HP nerd!
~The one that had change my life.
~The one that really cares about me.
~The one that I like so much.
~The one that know me so well.
~The one that belongs to my world.
~The one that I love most!
For these 12 peoples that had make my 2009 an unforgettable year.
I LOVE YOU, guys!!!
Friday, December 25, 2009
I thought I was stupid. Apparently, I am not the stupidest.
Ever since the unexpected & preposterous truth revealed, I've totally lost my confidence and dependence on my supernatural sixth sense. (well, you can laugh) Someone who disappeared _ months ago... perhaps it wasn't that obvious. However, I think it's him, or should I say I know it's him - it's as clear as day. I tried to fool myself by telling myself, "uh! it can't be him, that's way too coincident. There must be someone she fell in love with behind everyone's back!" Sadly, my heart was not willing to coordinate with my mind.
Such an awful blunder which you could only regret of it hopelessly. Just looking back at me, I was lucky, ashamedly lucky. A decision could be irreversible, an irreversible decision could cause an irretrievable loss. I am glad I didn't know this earlier, didn't know this while I wasn't in a good condition to know. If I knew this at that particular time, I probably would have hated myself badly.
Once again, I was lucky, unfairly lucky.

The most beautiful and most irritated quote:
I love you but I don't deserve you.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Christmas Special ~ 火柴的心声( 十二)
你好吗?那个九个月前消失的你,现在,幸福吗?祝你圣诞节快乐。 ~ from 不再存在于你心中的人 (sodame)
Merry Christmas!! Keep an eye on Santa ^-^ ~ from 不应该出现的人
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year. Wish you always be happy. ~ frOm the One that stiLL & WiLL aLWays be Waiting.
Friday, December 18, 2009
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Trying to Stop Living Like Luna
I used to think more like this but now I am going to try on something like this. I don't think I'll ever stop thinking that someone is better than me, but I'll just put that out of my head. From now on, I will always appreciate and love the people who like me no matter how nerdy and unattractive I am. Only the tolerant people. And I'm going to remember that, no matter how obnoxious and ugly I am, God and my family and my true friends will always love me.
I'll still dress how I want, but I will open to MORE options. Now, I am going to start pleasing everyone around me. As long as I stay a good person, there is no reason to feel bad about some changes.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
What my birth month say about me...
* Loves to joke
* Attractive
* Suave and caring
* Brave and fearless
* Firm and has leadership qualities
* Knows how to console others (instead of knw I think I like to)
* Too generous and egoistic
* Taked high pride of oneself
* Thirsty for praises
* Extraodinary spirit
* Easily angered
* Angry when provoked
* Easily jealous
* Observant
* Careful and cautious
* Thinks quickly
* Independent thoughts
* Loves to lead and to be led
* Loves to dream
* Talented in the arts, music and defence
* Sensitive but not petty
* Poor resistance against illnesses T_T
* Learns to relax
* Hasty and rushy
* Romantic
* Loving and caring
* Loves to make friends
Monday, November 9, 2009
There's a bunch of X-rays in this bag.
All X-rays are in these big envelopes.... got UM Hospital & Assunta Hospital & others.
Receipts & appointment card...
I realized that I got this disease when I was 6. ---- SCOLIOSIS
Amedical condition in which a person's spine is curved from side to side, shaped like an "s" or "c", and may alsobe rotated.To adults it can be very painful. It is an abnormal lateral curvature of the spine. On anx-ray, viewed from the rear, the spine of an individual with a typical scoliosis may look more like an "S" or a "C" than a straight line.It is typically classified as congenital (caused by vertebral anomalies present at birth), idiopathic (sub-classified as infantile, juvenile, adolescent, or adult according to when onset occurred) or as neuromuscular, having developed as a secondary symptom of another condition, such as spina bifida, cerebral palsy, spinal muscular atrophy or due to physical trauma. [from Wikipedia]
HERE is just some of it.
OCT 1999
AUG 2000
Sugery is usually indicated
for curves that have a high likelihood of progression, curves that cause a significant amount of pain with some regularity, curves that would be cosmetically unacceptable asan adult, curves in patients with spina bifida and cerebral palsy that interfere with sitting and care, and curves that affect physiological functions such as breathing.
Surgery is usually required with a curve of 40 to 50 degrees but I waited until 80 degrees because once the surgery is done the height is 80 to 90 percent fixed.So, I waited after the puberty.
The surgery involves a combination of rods, screws, human made bones and wires fixing the spine and can apply stronger, safer forces to the spine than the Harrington rod. This technique is known as the Cotrel-Dubousset instrumentation, currently the most common technique for the procedure.
***** after surgery *****
Saturday, November 7, 2009
时 光 隧 道
像掉入了时光隧道, “字”忆一个个重现在眼帘。感觉,很不好受。是恐慌,红血球除了输送氧气,同时间运载着恐慌。随着心跳的加速,很快地这感觉遍布了全身。
惊觉 . . .
害怕 . . .
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Friday, August 7, 2009
镜中境~ 火柴的心声( 十一)
Saturday, July 4, 2009
好 了
看 透 了
_ 相 信 了
__放 心 了
_ _没 什 么 了
过 了
散 了
总 算
醒 了
Thursday, July 2, 2009

.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Saturday, June 13, 2009
{ 重复 }
Thursday, June 11, 2009
烟火 ~ 火柴的心声( 九 )
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Recent favourite quotes (II)
双脚虽站好 还需手撑牢
眼看朋友们的欢笑 委屈着陪笑
趁着热闹 配合说笑 遮盖了疲劳
勉强假笑 撒谎说到人生真美好
当离开喧闹 突然觉得我快要疯掉
网上闲逛 卻避不開 催淚的曲調
邊说邊笑 面具取下 我立刻垮掉
还在搞笑 独自一人 不知怎麼熬
含泪微笑 自我安慰我能办得到
自以为坚强 才醒觉自己一直在逞强
强颜微笑 躲在死角 眼淚拼命掉
我有多累 哭的次数 只有我知道
當人群散了 突然覺得我可以死掉
The hole came back, the way it always did when I was free from distrations, but it didn’t throb so badly around the edges.
There's an awful view behind my mask, a view that people normally beg not to see. The hole is too deep... no distraction can possibly reduce the pain.
As much as it hurt me, I knew it was better for him that he was avoiding me. Easier for him.
This had to be it, the way to escape-adrenaline plus clanger plus stupidity. I was free, free from struggles, worrisome and most of all secrets. I like it. It was happiness that can't be described.
Outside is raining but the sky is still bright with sunshine. Odd weather. Just like my current mood, metaphorically. I was depressed but still tough and full of optimism.
The guilt of being treated like the-only-one.The pressure of your patience.All these are way too much.... like a guilty PLEASURE.
As I promised to myself, no more blaming, no more apology, and the most important is no more hiding. That's only one thing I want, I want you to be happy in your way.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
願望。实现 ~ 火 柴 的 心 声 ( 八)
Monday, May 4, 2009
Friday, April 24, 2009
Recent favourite quotes
来 自 L * * E 的 经 典 名 言 ^^
哈哈哈!!!! 我的妈啊。成功了,我再一次做到了! 再一次,成功蒙蔽自己的情感!! 好酷哦~ 我到底是怎么办到的啊?实在太意外了.........
过去累积的谎言太多 ,似烟霾捂着我的眼睛,似枷锁拴着心中的那道门,似魔法将我的脑袋停格...
I can feel the peace upon me. I'm free from depression, frustration or curiousness. My mind is clear. Yes, this is so not me. I feel like a new person.
Supposedly, I should be mad with you. But, I don't. ya, it's weird. I guess the only reason why am I not mad at you is because I love you, like I always do.
I CAN'T HEAR. My heart is too weak to tell the deepest desire that's buried under my soul long time ago.
NO HIDING. Just face it and tell. I won't run away anymore.
Although I'm not feeling despair for keeping those 's' things only to myself. Then, there are just sometimes I think it's cool to share... to tell... to be listened...
The guilt of being treated like the-only-one.The pressure of your patience.All these are way too much.... like a guilty PLEASURE.
Outside is raining but the sky is still bright with sunshine. Odd weather. Just like my current mood, metaphorically. I was depressed but still tough and full of optimism.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Let it be... part 2/2 ~ 火 柴 的 心 声 (七)
当他对着镜子诉说这一切, 镜子的心情是交杂难耐的。心疼,眼看那残酷的事实。在心疼的同
曾经爱过,就不可能归于零。 我所指的零是当作没事发生过。你无须执着于忘记,试着去宠自己,别急着逼自己脱离以往的难过,你会活得更快乐些。算了吧,why not just let it be? You don't deserve to suffer like that. 即使从前的回忆有多么难受,若无法抵抗,也就只能任由它穿梭你的思绪。学习去接受它。Trying to forget someone you love is to remember 时间飞逝,也许再过不久,你就可以坦然地面对过去的伤痛。
Let it be... part 1/2 ~ 火 柴 的 心 声 (七)
Saturday, April 18, 2009
L squared
y life can't be easier?
y I have to struggle so much?
y am I always doing some stupid mistakes?
y God treated me so unfair?!
If u are now having a teaser or facing some difficulties... you're probably wondering why it happens on you. You might blamed yourself, God or people around.
When you think life is so unfair, when you can't see the point to live, think of THEM...
That's life...
Life is like a book.
Challenges, is to make the story more interesting.
Every mistakes is a single page.
Every failure is a new chapter.
No one's prefer a dull and bored story,
we all like the more compelling.
Difficulties, is to make the story more interesting.
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ I LOVE LIFE ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Sunday, March 22, 2009
*special dedicated to a friend: View Blog
I know that soon you will be fine. Just like I did last time.
[ADJURE] ~ 火柴的心声(六)
"I am not going to tell anybody. I just want to know... the truth."
I used to wish I could have an acute sixth sense BUT not this time......
I wished someone could prove I was wrong.
It didn't make sense at all!!
How could life be SO RIDICULOUS?!
I willed to believe in everything! Even the existence of wizard! However... not this please... I won't take it as reality before someone can give me an EVIDENCE!!!
I want the answer! NO MORE HIDING!! MASK OFF PLEASE!!!
y u, y him, y me?
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
伪 装 ~ 火柴的心声(五)
Friday, March 6, 2009
Tonight I Can Write... -----by Pablo Neruda
As I read on I can't help but be reminded of Edward during his absence in New Moon... "Love is so short; Forgetting is long." Such a very lovely line. Passion... immense pain of letting go... sigh. As I read, it gave me an inspiration to edit it. And so I tried. I was done within a short time, shorter than I have expected. I didn't change much of it... well, should I say I can't change much of it. The original is just too perfect and beautiful.
Tonight I can write the saddest lines.
Write, for example, 'The night is shattered,and the blue stars shiver in the distance.
'The night wind revolves in the sky and sings.
Tonight I can write the saddest lines.
I loved her, and sometimes she loved me too.
Through nights like this one I held her in my arms.
I kissed her again and again under the endless sky.
She loved me, and sometimes I loved her too.
How could one not have loved her great still eyes?
Tonight I can write the saddest lines.
To think that I do not have her.
To feel that I have lost her.
To hear the immense night, still more immense without her,
And the verse falls to the soul like dew to the pasture.
What does it matter that my love could not keep her.
That night is shattered and she is not with me.
This is all. In the distance someone is singing. In the distance,
my soul is not satisfied that it has lost her.
My sight searches for her as though to go to her.
My heart looks for her, and she is not with me.
The same night whitening the same trees.
We, of that time, are no longer the same.
I no longer love her, that is certain, but how I loved her.
My voice tried to find the wind to touch her hearing.
Another's. She will be another's. Like my kisses before.
Her voice. Her bright body. Her infinite eyes,
I no longer love her, that is certain, but maybe I love her.
Love is so short, forgetting is so long.
Because through nights like this one I held her in my arms
my soul is not satisfied that it has lost her.
Though this be the last pain that she makes me suffer,
and these the last verses that I write for her.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
你 , 醒 了 吗 ?
100% 出至于本人之笔。
- 你管他喜不喜欢你,现在是你喜不喜欢他?!
- 放开一切,问自己,你到底爱他吗?
- 如果这世上没有真爱,也不可能会有你的存在!!!
- 若每段人生都像童话故事般完美,那下次当你看到流星的时候,还有什么意义?
- 别把所有不愉快的事都赖到爱情上好不好!爱情重来没有对错的定义!
- 没有爱情=少了烦恼?错!没了爱情才是困扰咧... 那时,周杰伦的专辑谁会买呀? 到时候,铁塔尼号不再是票房第一的电影,人类不再彼此挟持及珍惜, 就算是温室效应也无法抵挡那缺了温情的人间,那不就等于世纪末日了吗?
- 爱情道路之所以那么坎坷,是为了让你的人生留下难忘的一页。
- 你应该在乎的并不是他愿不愿意接受你,而是他是否喜欢你。
- 真的爱过,就再不可能归回零点。
- 满足对方所要的,将会是爱情中最伟大的幸福。牺牲是爱情的内核。
这 些 格 言 需 要 自 己 的 体 会 才 能 真 正 领 悟 当 中 的 真 意 。
Thursday, February 26, 2009
疯 了 ~ 理 智 篇
我 一 直 相 信 理 智 可 以 战 胜 一 切 , 甚 至 是 爱 情 ......
我 认 为 只 要 头 脑 清 醒 , 保 持 理 智 的 状 态 ,
就 能 在 爱 情 道 路 上 无 往 不 利 。
最 终 ,
才 领 悟 ,
爱 ,
根 本 和 理 智 轧 不 上 任 何 关 系 。
爱 ,
无 法 与 世 上 万 物 做 比 较 。
当 爱 情 降 临 , 理 智 将 会 被 抛 在 脑 后 。
在 我 们 脚 下 这 片 大 地 , 是 无 奇 不 有 的 。 某 些 人 因 脑 思 维 反 其 道 而 行 , 想 法 和 观 念 也 一 反 常 态 , 别 于 传 统 。 而 这 少 数 的 “ 怪 胎” , 有 着 挑 战 的 精 神 , 他 们 觉 得 以 上 言 论 并 非 全 实 。 也 因 为 他 们 逆 向 的 思 路 , 他 们 会 以 实 际 行 动 去 证 明 不 可 能 的 奇 迹 。
到 后 来 , 他 们 成 功 了 。 他 们 的 确 成 功 在 爱 情 上 做 出 了 “ 理 智 ” 的 抉 择 。事 成 后 ,他 们 纷 纷 都 到 镜 子 前 报 告 自 己 的 成 就 。
镜 子 问 : “ 你 怎 么 能 证 实 ‘ 理 智 是 爱 情 成 功 的 保 障’这 个 说 法 ? ”
怪 胎 答 : “ 我 错 过 了 一 个 爱 我 的 人 , 当 他 不 再 爱 我 时 ,他 选 择 了 她 。 ”
镜 子 问 : “ 那 你 喜 欢 他 吗 ?”
怪 胎 答 : “ 喜 欢 。”
镜 子 再 问 : “ 然 后 呢 ? ”
怪 胎 接 着 说 : “ 可 是 , 他 到 后 来 却 再 次 选 择 了 我 。 ”
镜 子 说 : “ 这 样 , 你 不 就 是 失 而 复 得 了 吗 ?”
怪 胎 答 : “ 对 。 但 , 即 使 如 此 , 我 还 是 没 接 受 他 。 ”
镜 子 的 脸 扭 曲 成 一 副 不 解 的 表 情 。
怪 胎 解 释 说 : “ 因 为 , 我 理 智 的 想 法 是 ﹐ 他 既 然 能 够 再 次 选 择 我 , 也 代 表 他 可 以 再 次 看 上 另 外 一 个 她 。 为 了 让 彼 此 的 伤 痛 降 到 最 低 , 我 决 定 不 如 让 这 一 切 随 着 时 间 被 淡 忘 , 我 们 也 可 以 继 续 当 朋 友 。 ”
镜 子 深 思 了 数 秒 ,点 头 说 到 : “ 真 叫 人 敬 佩 ! 这 抉 择 的 确 很 理 智 。 看 样 子 , 你 已 成 功 验 证 你 那 套 说 法 咯 ? ”
怪 胎 答 : “ 不 。 我 没 有 成 功 。 ”
镜 子 问 : “ 何 出 此 言 ? ”
怪 胎 说 : “ 没 错 , 我 赢 了 理 智 的 思 维 。 但 ............ 我 输 给 了 自 己 ... 我 没 有 坦 诚 面 对 自 己 的 感 情 ...... "
很 不 幸 的 我 就 是 其 中 思 路 逆 向 的 怪 胎 之 一 ... 哈 哈... *苦 笑 *
Monday, February 23, 2009
Talk to the mirror...
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
[ 天 时 、 地 利 、 人 和 ]
显 然 , 老 天 爷 真 的 听 见 了 。 。 。 2009 年 才 刚 开 始 , 他 已 满 足 每 个 我 当 时 的 愿 望 。 无 可 否 认 , 我 真 的 得 到 老 天 的 宠 爱 , 他 实 在 是 不 曾 亏 待 我 。 我 恳 诚 地 感 激 老 天 的 厚 待 。
可 是 。。 。 虽 然 如 此 , 这 一 切 来 得 有 些 许 太 晚 了 。 看 起 来 是 多 么 的 完 美 , 多 么 的 不 可 思 议 , 但 就 只 因 为 时 间 的 差 错 ,造 成 彼 此 之 间 内 心 深 处 莫 大 的 伤 害 。 世 事 难 料 , 人 生 可 说 是 荒 谬 到 了 极 点 。 事 情 的 发 展 比 电 影 情 节 更 要 曲 折 离 奇 。
过 去 我 曾 活 在 谴 责 和 懊 悔 中 。 如 今 , 上 天 再 给 了 我 一 次 机 会 , 却 叫 我 措 手 无 策 。 。 。
Monday, February 16, 2009
独 白 ~ 火 柴 的 心 声 (四)
噢 ... 原 因 其 实 很 简 单 。
我 爱 听 故 事 , 这 一 点 常 被 解 读 为 八 卦 。 我 无 所 谓 , 这 无 偿 不 是 个 理 由 。
最 重 要 的 是 , 我 不 爱 与 他 人 分 享 秘 密 , 无 论 是 自 己 的 ,还 是 别 人 的 , 我 都 只 会 将 它 留 给 自 己 。 就 算 有 天 大 的 秘 密 , 我 也 绝 对 不 会 告 诉 身 边 的 朋 友 。 无 论 我 和 你 有 多 友 好 , 若 说 到 关 于 他 人 隐 私 的 事 情 , 我 还 是 会 自 私 的 将 它 留 给 自 己 。 有 时 为 了 掩 护 它 , 甚 至 撒 谎 也 是 难 免 的 。 或 许 , 这 就 是 当 一 本 “ 日 记 ” 的 潜 质 。这 也 是 大 众 俗 称 的 “ 神 秘 ” 。
每 个 坠 入 爱 河 的 人 , 都 是 愚 者 。 他 们 会 迷 失 方 向 , 失 去 理 智 。心 中 有 百 般 难 言 之 愁 。 他 们 可 能 需 要 的 并 非 只 是 以 个 倾 听 者 。 有 些 时 候 他 们 更 需 要 一 枝 扶 持 着 他 们 的 拐 丈 , 一 个 给 予 他 们 忠 言 以 及 意 见 的 引 导 者 。 帮 助 他 们 是 我 人 生 一 个 极 大 的 乐 趣 。 对 无 可 避 免 的 牺 牲 , 我 毫 无 怨 言 , 不 求 回 报 。 可 能 是 我 非 常 了 解 缘 分 的 奥 妙 , 缘 分 是 可 遇 不 可 求 的 , 错 过 了 , 只 留 下 忏 悔 。 我 衷 心 祈 望 他 们 能 得 到 爱 神 的 庇 护 。
火柴的独白第一篇 ~完~
May I Help You??? ~ 火 柴 的 心 声 (三)
When I know something is going to hurt you,
I'll keep it from you if I must.
I'll stop a jerk from breaking your heart.
I'll stop anyone from messing with your mind.
I'll even stop anyone that I know
Will make you cry and lose your mind.
To accomplish all of this,
I'll lie a little if I must,
Even if it messes up our friendship and trust.
Even if it means that I have to suffer,
Don't worry, I'd been used to it.
You have found a good friend in me,
A friend who will show you the way,
A friend who will always be there for you,
A friend who will be with you all the way.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
WHY ~ 火 柴 的 心 声 (二)
why am I keep doing all those stupid things?
why things always go off rail?
why I have to struggle so much for love?"
what a ____ question...
making me speechless.
It hurts when people asked me this...
feel bad
feel helpless.
As a match,
all those unanswerable questions
just like the wind
blow me out thoroughly...
I know that's not much that
I can do for them.
I tried my best to
defend it and stay cool
I tried my best to help them
as a counselor or a consultor.
痛 ~ 火 柴 的 心 声 (一)
我 习 惯 了 面 对 ,
从 来 不 会 逃 避 。
眼 看 残 忍 的 现 实 ,
再 难 过 ,
也 会 忍 泪 坚熬 . . .
有 时 ,
觉 得 自 己 很 无 畏 。
常 会 为 那 些 管 不 着 的 事 ,
操 心 忧 愁 。
我 告 诉 自 己 : “
叹 口 气 ,
一 切 都 是 值 得 的 ! ”
对 !
就 是 这 样 。
至 少 我 是 这 样 认 为 . . . . . .