NOTE: The "*" is silent.
I thought I was stupid. Apparently, I am not the stupidest.
Ever since the unexpected & preposterous truth revealed, I've totally lost my confidence and dependence on my supernatural sixth sense. (well, you can laugh) Someone who disappeared _ months ago... perhaps it wasn't that obvious. However, I think it's him, or should I say I know it's him - it's as clear as day. I tried to fool myself by telling myself, "uh! it can't be him, that's way too coincident. There must be someone she fell in love with behind everyone's back!" Sadly, my heart was not willing to coordinate with my mind.
Such an awful blunder which you could only regret of it hopelessly. Just looking back at me, I was lucky, ashamedly lucky. A decision could be irreversible, an irreversible decision could cause an irretrievable loss. I am glad I didn't know this earlier, didn't know this while I wasn't in a good condition to know. If I knew this at that particular time, I probably would have hated myself badly.
Once again, I was lucky, unfairly lucky.

The most beautiful and most irritated quote:
I love you but I don't deserve you.
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