.双脚虽站好 还需手撑牢
眼看朋友们的欢笑 委屈着陪笑
趁着热闹 配合说笑 遮盖了疲劳
勉强假笑 撒谎说到人生真美好
当离开喧闹 突然觉得我快要疯掉
网上闲逛 卻避不開 催淚的曲調
邊说邊笑 面具取下 我立刻垮掉
还在搞笑 独自一人 不知怎麼熬
含泪微笑 自我安慰我能办得到
自以为坚强 才醒觉自己一直在逞强
强颜微笑 躲在死角 眼淚拼命掉
我有多累 哭的次数 只有我知道
當人群散了 突然覺得我可以死掉
The hole came back, the way it always did when I was free from distrations, but it didn’t throb so badly around the edges.
There's an awful view behind my mask, a view that people normally beg not to see. The hole is too deep... no distraction can possibly reduce the pain.
As much as it hurt me, I knew it was better for him that he was avoiding me. Easier for him.
This had to be it, the way to escape-adrenaline plus clanger plus stupidity. I was free, free from struggles, worrisome and most of all secrets. I like it. It was happiness that can't be described.
Outside is raining but the sky is still bright with sunshine. Odd weather. Just like my current mood, metaphorically. I was depressed but still tough and full of optimism.
The guilt of being treated like the-only-one.The pressure of your patience.All these are way too much.... like a guilty PLEASURE.
As I promised to myself, no more blaming, no more apology, and the most important is no more hiding. That's only one thing I want, I want you to be happy in your way.