
Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Trying to Stop Living Like Luna

For a while now, I've been one of those girls who could never live up to the expectations of this world, and never really tried to anyway. For a while now, I've never cared what everyone else thinks. This is going to stop. I think it's time to stop living too much like Luna Lovegood. It's time to care what everyone else thinks and not just be what I like to be. It's time to hear what other people's thoughts about me and try to take it.

I used to think more like this but now I am going to try on something like this. I don't think I'll ever stop thinking that someone is better than me, but I'll just put that out of my head. From now on, I will always appreciate and love the people who like me no matter how nerdy and unattractive I am. Only the tolerant people. And I'm going to remember that, no matter how obnoxious and ugly I am, God and my family and my true friends will always love me.

I'll still dress how I want, but I will open to MORE options. Now, I am going to start pleasing everyone around me. As long as I stay a good person, there is no reason to feel bad about some changes.

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